This page last changed on Jun 10, 2008 by scytacki.
This demo loads in user data from your local jackrabbit repository using jcr-spi-jcr-rmi.
It only saves data back to the repository when save is chosen from the file menu or save is chosen when OTViewer is exited.
It should handle multipe users.
Setting up the local jackrabbit server is current pretty involved.
A quick version could be created by putting together a stripped jetty with a preinstalled jackrabbit-webapp. This would probably be around 15mb in total.
The current demo requires setting up a local sds, because the necessary config files are not in the development sds yet.
- Setup OTrunk Jackrabbit WebDav Server - this will actually be used with the following stack jcr-spi -> spi-jcr -> jcr-rmi -> jcr-server
- setup local sds. simple shell script for this
- run jruby -S rake sds_config:setup_jackrabbit_config_versions
- setup a test jnlp, user, workgroup, offering, dummy curnit (not needed but sds wants an offering to have curnit)
- jnlp should point to:
- run the jnlp with the extra url param: sailotrunk.otmlurl=
Next Steps
- get jackrabbit config onto dev sds
- document issues with webdav jackrabbit, and jcr-rmi direct to server
- setup a diy activity that uses this config file.
- setup a jackrabbit webdav server on a concord server so the demo can be run without a local server.
- import sds learner data
Completed Steps
- document issues with realtime or near realtime learner data saving.
- create sail config file which setups up SailOTViewer to load in user data from jcr. This uses the workgroup uuid from the sds
The following configurations are supported:
- jcr-spi -> spi2dav -> jcr-server
- jcr-rmi -> jcr-server
- jcr-spi -> spi-jcr -> jcr-rmi -> jcr-server
- added this new config file format to the sds. - this isn't checked out on the dev sds yet.